Do you ever feel like your head will explode with so many amazing ideas that you are finding on blogs and Pinterest plus all of the traditional ways of getting ideas? How do you choose which ones to do when they are all so great? Does it make you wish your days were longer with your kids? (Oh my!)
I am having so much fun learning new ideas on all of the blogs and Pinterest, but I am also spending way too much time preparing the activities I buy and pushing my kids so hard to fit it all in. They are doing amazingly well and we are having lots of fun along with our learning. I just wonder if it is a bit much at times.
I still have to use the District adopted programs and the many activites I have loved from the past 20 years I have taught (of course they have changed a lot over the years, but you know what I mean!)
I teach a 1/2 day program and it is so hard to fit everything in I want to do. I need to resist buying every cute unit I see on these is just so darn hard!
How do you decide which activities to do and which units to buy? Thanks for your ideas!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
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This is it! I am boarding the plane in about an hour to head for the conference. I cannot wait to talk to you in person! We will talk about fitting it all in cause I am in the same boat!
I can't wait to meet you Fran! Hope your ready for a fellow blogger's hug!
I will find you "kindergarten Crayons"
Remember what you know to be true about young children and how they learn.....hands on activities, lots of experiences and opportunities to plan, do, review (high scope philosophy) many of these activities available seem to be worksheets, what use to be called dittos....the only difference now is they have cutsie graphics on this really the best way for young children to be learning? just wondering out loud, because I too get overwhelmed what I see everyone out here in blog land doing/making? It really is overwhelming.
I so agree with you. I teach in a dual immersion First Grade where we have two groups of kids alternating weeks. Fitting it in is a killer, and then I feel guilt for not having the cute craftivities for everything. However, I have to remind myself of the best practice that is going on in the classroom. I file them away for when I have one class all of the time--should that ever happen:) Also, my mom was a former teacher, and I find some of her "oldies, but goodies" are the activities my kids love the best. They are centers, stories, rhymes she created 20-30 years ago. Totally old school, but I love them. I am a new follower to your blog:) said it..we are pushing for a full day but even then I fear I will still be overwhelmed. Did you get to talk about this at your conference? Any more wisdom?
Thank you for the great post Mrs. Mody! I love the cute activities and certainly do my share of them, but I also like more hands-on and some "old-school" work as well. That's why I post my pics for people to see that it isn't all about cute worksheets. Thank you for following me!
Heidi, I didn't hear anything about full day K from my workshops, but I did talk with fellow teachers about it. The best idea was from Heidi Butkus. They slowly phase in the longer day with her kinders. I think that is so smart! I would love to have more time to actually talk with my students more and to allow them time to socialize and play. The Keynote Speaker, Ronald Mah talked about the importance of play (building with blocks). That would certainly happen more with a longer day!
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